Art MAISON VOL.25に「創成」と「陽だまり」掲載

Art MAISON VOL.25に「創成」と「陽だまり」掲載

【評論】 ペドロ・フランシスコ・ガルシア



Pedro Francisco Garcia

A truly cosmic sense exists in art regardless of what age it is, and the universe that can be sensed is infinitely enchanting, Shizu Ishikawa is an artist that asks herself what the universe that surrounds us is and how it should be figuratively expressed. “Creation”, an oil painting by Ishikawa, is an intriguing work that is above all entrancing because of its mysteriousness. The exploration of the unknown black hole that hides infinity inside it deeply moves the viewers, and it calls to mind Expressionism. “Sunny Spot” is in a way of a work in the style of Fauvisme. This is a piece that is colorful, free, and full of vitality. Ishikawa uses abundant and diverse techniques to create unique works, and the impression that I get from them is that they are works by multiple artists. Such a multi-talented artist as Ishikawa is rate, and we become aware that standing before us is a great artist capable of understanding an amazing number of things, from the nature around us to the boundless universe.


【陽だまり】Sunny Spot 22×27.3㎝ Oil on canvas 油彩キャンバス 1990

【創成】Creation Oil on canvas  73×60.5cm 油彩・キャンバス 2018